Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Alejandra's Brushes

My daughter is one of my biggest sources of inspiration. We share art time now and then, but she surprised me today. We were painting with crayola penbrushes on construction paper, and I was trying to show her how to hold a brush. Check out this seascape! Its hard to teach a 6 year old how to use a light touch, but when I wasn't looking she belted out this beauty! She was really paying attention! The lines on the waves show big promise. Kids will surprise you, and my daughter topped herself today. I'm sure this will inspire anyone. I'm a lucky dad! Thanks for visiting.


  1. This is great! Your daughter crafted a serene little seascape here. Man, you must be on cloud Nine!

  2. It's beautiful, Jose! Great to see your daughter's talents blossoming! I hope that I can pass the artistic torch onto my daughter as well.

  3. Thanks guys! The "learning like a sponge" stage is an awesome thing to witness. Of course I'm proud, and hopeful it will be something special in her life. For now, I'm really happy we can share like this. I'm sure Sonia will be very curious about her dad's art. Thanks for your comments, guys!

  4. Great work, I especially like contrast of BIG YeLLOW sun and delicate water texture... Wow! Proud Papa for sure!

  5. Thanks Ted! Now that I think about it, her previous brush painting that session was really busy, and not too directed, more like practice. Then she did this. Almost like her creative thinking settled. I can see that pattern in me sometimes. Like a creative session pattern. I'm going to use the rhythm with her next time we paint. (need to get a children's art teacher book or something). Thanks for dropping by man! Always appreciate your visits.
