Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sketch Daily

Here's a simple sketch done with Sketchbook Mobile on an iPodTouch. It took less than 2 minutes, no erasing, and some of that time spent messing with the choice of brush. Goes to show how a few finger-strokes on an app can yield something that looks nice and effortless. At least I think it looks nice. One scribble, imagination, and here's a wine drinking person, possibly at an art show, looking into his glass, pensive. This is not a thought out, detail oriented piece, by no means. It was completely impulsive, after listening to my friend's podcast. Marshall (@MarshallPlexx on Twitter) is a dedicated artist, fighting for time to practice and better himself. At the same time, sharing with us his struggles, ideas, and advise. Thanks, and hats off, Marshall! I'm in the middle of a time battle, balancing work and family, as never before, and your words inspire to go on. You can find the podcast in question here, and check out his cool work here.
As well, he started this Sketch Daily page on Facebook. I'm still trying to regain my usual art flow, and I promise I'll keep pushing. I have some bigger things I'd like to create, and with this new challenge in time management, its proving to be interesting, to say the least.
Hope you like this quick and impulsive, if minimal piece. Thanks for visiting, and have a great art time!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Salon Samus

As a submission to the Tuesday Sketch, I give you Samus at the Salon. She's got to keep her good looks going after all the battles, right? The topic was Samus (of Metroid fame). I'm not all that familiar with the game, nor the character, but a little search on the web gave me enough material.
This was done in a hurry. Busy with work, I was able to view a few references during the day, and once done with the daily duties, I sat down to pump this out as soon as possible.
The Tuesday Sketch Tumblr blog has moved, within Tumblr, to a new URL. Noel Curry, @DJBogtrotter in Twitter, has always led the effort, giving us a weekly topic to sketch something on Tuesdays, and he passed on the stewardship to me. This tradition of almost 2 years continues every week, giving everyone the topic on Tuesday, by announcing with a tweet using the #tuesdaysketch hashtag. You can visit the original site here. Its full of goodies, and every piece, from the most humble, to the elaborate, has something to say.
I encourage you to follow me on Twitter (@gonzalexx) and/or search for the #tuesdaysketch hashtag there. We'd love to see your visions of the weekly topic.
Thanks for dropping by, and remember to have a great art time!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hi there! Just a little sketch, inspired by someone's tweet about the 20th anniversary of the latest movie adaptation of "The Rocketeer". Actually, I saw an animation for the occasion created by John Banana (yes, I said banana), and that was enough for me to look up some images, and pick one to sketch. Here's John's original animation. What a piece of work! The image I based this sketch on, was one of many. From actual stills, comic book editions, and the "recent" movie version, I picked what looks like someone's art work, or a photograph, who knows. It could have been retouched at some point. Anyway, you can see most of the images that inspired me here, the Comics Reporter blog (posted by Tom Spurgeon).
Hope you liked it (thanks Tom, and all sources of inspiration). Thanks for dropping by, and remember to have a great art time!