Saturday, August 1, 2020

So the impulse to draw some characters from Jim Lujan's "Infinity Pool" continued, and of course, here they are. These are all from the "dinner scene". There's always something to catch the eye, that is either part of the main action, or in the background. And of course, "low-fi" (pencil on ruled paper... getting over that soon, I promise).

These characters were picked because their looks caught my eye, they said something funny, or both.

Who is this?

So there are a couple more to post, but that's quite enough for now, right?

Don't forget to watch "Infinity Pool" (no... I'm not getting kickbacks for saying that... it is funny and dark, so you are warned, and Jim's work doesn't end there, there's way more... he's been at it for a while, and I've known him for that long, more or less, so you are in good hands) - you can browse his creations in Jim's YouTube channel.

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