Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Micro Comic - Drug Screen Test

Why do I draw in waiting rooms? To pass the time, and practice. This time, I felt like drawing small, and it led to what I'll call a micro comic. Of course, it was an impulse based on the situation. I would usually sketch people or things within view, but this time, the situation was awkward. I'm incredibly lucky to have landed a good job after almost 4 months of searching, and I found myself at a lab this morning, waiting to have a drug screen test. I have nothing to worry about in terms of results, but having others test your biological make up for reasons other than medical, to me, constitutes a violation of privacy. This makes me feel uncomfortable, to say the least. But it is something I had to do for a good job, and the financial security that will follow. One has to survive, and provide for one's family. Still, I couldn't shake the "Big Brother is watching you" feeling, so I had to draw/write about it.
This micro comic includes what I saw, what I did, and how I felt, more or less. Ok, maybe less, since it doesn't depict my slight paranoia, but it does show the one driving motivation I used to process the weird situation: the fact that now I can go on and enjoy this coming holiday. We've been planning to spend a couple of days at the beach, and would have gone earlier for a longer stay were it not for this little job requirement. My daughter's reminders during these last few days were pressure enough. But one has to do what one has to do, and I am incredibly happy for having this opportunity. My new job is a gift from destiny. One that will both keep us happy, allow me to succeed in my chosen work field, and enrich my knowledge and capacity immensely. So to say I am happy about it is quite an understatement. I went to take my tests with a big smile, and I'm happy to celebrate with my family now.
Oh, by the way, I was listening to  The Sketchbook Podcast on my iPod. Jonathan Rector and Charlie Harper have a great thing going. Fun art tidbits, insight, advice, and shenanigans. I can't recommend it enough.
I hope you liked my little micro-comic experiment. I am finding myself drawn to creating these things (no pun intended). Thanks for visiting. Have a great art time!


  1. Rock solid! Thanks so much for good words about the podcast. It is so great meeting cool people through the web. I think you have a cool concept with your blog. I wish I would update mine more often. :P Keep that pen hot!

  2. Thank you Charlie! Its true, I was listening to the podcast at the time. LOL. Glad you like this blog. Like the title says, impulsive stuff.
